Please keep in mind that these cutting-edge treatments are tailored to an individual’s specific needs. Dr. Rojas will perform a comprehensive evaluation and determine whether you would be an optimal candidate for these treatments. Please feel free to contact us via phone, email, or our contact page for specific questions. We will do our best to get back to you as promptly as possible. We look forward to hearing from you!
These treatments are currently not covered by insurance. They are excellent treatment options if treatments that are covered by insurance (like cortisone or physical therapy) have not helped long term or if you are looking for an approach to halt or reverse further damage due to aging or injury. Pricing is discussed at your consultation with Dr. Rojas based on your needs and the area being treated.
Dr. Rojas is an advocate for physical therapy and will likely recommend some form of it after your procedure. He believes in a multi-modal approach to pain and function. His goal is to use these treatments along with exercise in a specific way to maximize your gains and minimize your pain. Generally, medication is not needed but Dr. Rojas will evaluate for this on a case-by-case basis.
There is minimal to no down time following these procedures. As a precaution, Dr. Rojas will likely recommend about a week’s worth of relative rest (you can perform your daily normal activities) before more advanced, specific exercises are performed in a gradual, progressive approach.
All of these procedures are done in office in a safe and effective manner using the highest level of evidence-based knowledge in this field and advanced technical skills per Dr. Rojas’s medical training and experience.
HRT can be combined with PRP or BMAC. This can be extremely effective and beneficial to optimize your health and wellbeing in a safe and non-surgical approach. PRP is generally used to treat orthopedic conditions in its early stages that are starting to be problematic. BMAC is generally reserved for orthopedic conditions that are severe. When multiple things are being addressed, a comprehensive package and unique plan of care is customized for you unlike any.
If you have met Dr. Rojas, you know he has two rules when treating you. First, your safety at all times. Secondly, he performs the technical side of these treatments in a smooth, effective way with minimal discomfort. He wants you to have a pleasant and optimal experience. That being said, he will also go over any potential side effects or risks to watch out for, which overall, are minimal if they occur. He monitors and will treat these if needed. You will also have pre-procedure and post-procedure instructions.
Dr. Rojas loves treating all kinds of patients and respective ages – from the elderly to middle-aged patients, athletes of any age or sport, or weekend warriors. You name it!
Yes. In order to provide the highest level of care and spend the necessary amount of time needed with his patients to address their needs, a $99 consultation fee is requested to book an appointment. Please have as many medical records, labs, and imaging available for Dr. Rojas to review to maximize your visit. If you decide to proceed with any treatment option, your consultation fee will be applied to the cost of your treatment.
Dr. Rojas prides himself on treating his patients with the utmost respect and care. He believes in an old-school model of medicine that values bedside manner and relationships while also providing cutting-edge treatments. Dr. Rojas will make himself available to answer any questions you may have in your journey to leading an active, pain-free life.
If you have further questions or you are ready to set up a consultation, please contact us via email, phone, or our contact page.
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